Parenting with a Disability: Know Your Rights Toolkit

Family Court Insanity

Introducing’s New President

— January 19, 2017

Introducing Jim Mason

“Let’s get Jim Mason in here to discuss this.”James Mason In the eight years I’ve served at, I don’t know how many times a discussion on strategy or legal language included Mike Farris saying those words. In a meeting of the board on January 9, it’s as though Mike made the suggestion one more time.

In response, the board elected Jim Mason to succeed Farris as the president of

Mason, father of 7 and a 15-year member of the legal staff at the Homeschool Legal Defense Association that Farris founded in 1983, was named HSLDA’s vice president of litigation in 2016. He has experience in defending parental rights around the country, including before the Supreme Court.

Significantly, Mason was in discussions with Mike Farris on from its founding and even before. “I was there when the organization was a ‘notes on a napkin’ idea with Mike Farris and (PRO board member) Mike Smith,” Mason asserts. “We worked out the initial amendment language together.”

Mason has been an officer of the organization since its inception, serving as the secretary of the board prior to his election as president.

So though his name may not be familiar to you now, he is no newcomer to or to our mission.

“I think we have a lot of exciting opportunities before us this year,”Mason recently told the staff. “We need to be ready to take advantage of them. But the opportunities are very exciting.”

Your staff looks forward to working with Jim Mason in the months and years to come to defend parental rights. Thank you for continuing to stand with us through this transition!


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

View the trailer or the full 35-min. documentary at

Overruled: Government Invasion of Your Parental Rights

Protecting Children by Empowering Parents through the Parental Rights Amendment

Source: – Protecting Children by Empowering Parents  

Trust Women? Hahahahahaha

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real-women-support-fathers-rights-2017#TrustWome?  Hahahahahaha – moms4dads

There’s a new campaign in town… First, we had to Listen and Believe. Now, we are told we have to #TrustWomen  Why? Because they’re women. And… because it’s 2016. Trust me, it’s still 2016, it’s true, I said it and I’m a woman, therefore it’s true.

Wait, I thought being sexist was wrong and I thought feminism is about equality, then why trust only women, why not everybody? I guess the next campaign will be #TrustMigrants, why not, right? What could possibly go wrong?

“It’s now or never for reproductive rights”

(Women’s reproductive rights, obviously, because feminism is about equality…)

Source: #TrustWomen? Hahahahahaha – moms4dads

Letter to Judges Reviewing Child Support Guidelines

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Some say this federally mandated review process is a sham and that there is only motivation to raise child support. It has been said that kickbacks from the federal government ($140 million per year in Mass.) based on INCREASES in child support fund not only the court system, but actually go into judges retirement funds.

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If this is true there is a HUGE conflict of interest built into this system which may be criminal on more than one level.  Payments between branches of government are unconstitutional in the first place.

Some say we should protest, not participate in this process. I try to give everyone ONE chance to make things right before I assume the worst. This is also necessary to learn about and confirm who the enemies of justice are in this system.  I do not believe people have evil intentions. I do believe evil results are generated by the current child support system in Massachusetts, and probably in many states. Here is the analysis I presents to these judges on September 12th 2005 and the letter I sent the next day by email to add additional thoughts and points.

Dear Judge DiGangi and Carey,
I think we all appreciated your patience and time yesterday for the federally required review of CS standards. I have attached and pasted below a corrected and improved version of the handout I gave you.  The mother’s taxable equivalent income was not shown as high enough due to an error in the calculation formula.
The reasons to reduce the child support guidelines are very clear. We are harming children and destroying the lives of their fathers too with this system.
To summarize the best reasons I heard the guidelines are too high because:
1. Massachusetts is the highest in the U.S. as a percentage of income that already takes into account living costs due to higher salaries. Are 49 states wrong and Massachusetts right?
2. Three different benefits accrue to the mother only that are hidden and need to be included in any analysis as follows:
    a) Father pays all taxes (after tax dollars are worth 50% more than pre-tax dollars)
    b) Disregard of $20,000 creates incentive NOT to work
    c) Mother gets head of household tax status, when father is forced to earn far more money
I do not believe the people who created this guidelines understood this huge hidden impact, or looked at the father’s position at all.
3. We are encouraging mothers not to work and fathers to work under the table.
4. We are not giving children enough time with their fathers for proper development and growth. Working mothers would facilitate more time with dad.
5. We are creating a welfare system, and showing children, how to live off the labor of someone else, not be independent and contribute to society
The result of the current system is that the standard of living of a mother is 81% higher than the father when the father earns double, and 41% higher when the father earns triple. This might make some sense when children are of pre-school age and the mother must stay home, but it make no sense at all after that timeframe is up.

Child custody law reform is happening all over the country.

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Latest NY Court Ruling Could Open Doors For Father Custody Battles | The Daily Caller

The New York State Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that a homosexual individual can seek custodial rights for non-biological children in an opinion that goes beyond gay couples.

The decision clears up two separate cases where biological mothers from former same sex couples aimed to keep their children from their ex-partners, the Associated Press reported.

“Where a partner shows by clear and convincing evidence that the parties agreed to conceive a child and to raise the child together, the non-biological, non-adoptive partner has standing to seek visitation and custody under Domestic Relations Law,” reads the opinion written by Judge Sheila Abdus-Salaam.

The previous 25-year old definition of parenthood mandated that a person looking for custody or visitation must have a biological or adoptive connection to the child.

The ruling, the AP notes, will also affect heterosexual, unmarried couples. An ex-partner could petition for visitation or custody of a child produced through artificial insemination if they can prove they and their former partner wanted to raise the child together.

Father’s rights advocates also question if the ruling opens the doors for biological fathers of heterosexual couples in divorce cases, where joint custody is an issue.

“The American Law Institute about a dozen years ago did a family law project and it went around and around about what kind of rights about even what kind of parenting should be given to non-biological people who acted in the position of a parent,” one DC legal expert who specializes in family law told The Daily Caller.

“And they came up with some mushy stuff. But a lot has changed in those dozen years. Obviously, including the Supreme Court case legalizing gay marriage, and once the Supremes did that, it became very difficult for any court to say that there ought to be the old-fashioned or traditional rules that adoption or custody or whatever to a non-biological parent can be prohibited as being against the best interests of the child.”

“The most obvious example of that, you say that two gay people can get married. Why is one of them preferred over the other in the event that they split up and the court has to make the custody decision? So you get lots of decisions that flow from The same-sex marriage decision. The thing that’s been kind of interesting to me is some of the activists, in the growing acceptance of gay parents, are tearing down the bias against biological fathers,” he said. “Take the example, if you have two gay guys. If you are going to give them joint custody why are you not giving joint custody to the heterosexual father who is divorced? So it is kind of an odd thing.”

Mothers tend to get custody of children over fathers 82.5 percent of the time, the census bureau shows.  Pew Charitable Trusts argues that fathers do not actively seek custody of their children as often as mothers, saying that a study in Massachusetts said that dads who actively sought joint custody received it 70 percent of the time, but Cathy Young responds to such conclusions in a 2004 Boston Globe piece that the same study says that this number includes contested and uncontested cases.

Young writes,”The same study showed that mothers who filed for sole custody received it 75 percent of the time (with the rest usually getting joint legal/primary physical custody); the ‘success rate’ for fathers was 44 percent. It also mentioned, when explaining why few noncustodial mothers pay child support, that ‘women who lose custody often do so because of mental, physical, or emotional handicaps.’ Fathers may need to be far more fit to prevail.”

Follow Kerry on Twitter

‘They came up with some mushy stuff’

Source: Latest NY Court Ruling Could Open Doors For Father Custody Battles | The Daily Caller

“Your dad has cancer that has spread all over his body…” was the text message that I received.

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Forgiving a Dying Deadbeat Dad

Your dad has cancer that has spread all over his body…” was the text message that I received from my sister Keisha who heard the information from our Uncle Barney who has been more than a father than Bobby could dream of. I texted back, “That’s unfortunate.”

Forgiving a Dying, Deadbeat DadI didn’t talk about it anymore until 4 days later when Keisha sent another message from Uncle Barney letting me know that Bobby wanted to speak with me and shared the phone number to his hospital room in Florida. I contemplated … and then made a decision. I figured as a growing Christian and as a man with morals that I couldn’t let another human being die without honoring a simple request to hear my voice.

A Disabled Dad’s Strengthening Words

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The Struggles and Hopes of a Disabled Dad – All Pro Dad

Ten years ago I was white-knuckling the handles of a raft in the rapids of Costa Rica while my wife and I were on our honeymoon.

Ten years later on our anniversary, a kind stranger offered his help to my wife who was trying her best to lift my disabled body into an inner tube at a hotel pool. I can only imagine what was going through that gentleman’s mind when he saw me struggling to float down a lazy river.

God’s Beautiful Design

Ten years ago I never would have dreamed that I would have a physical disability. But God knew the beautiful design he had for me and for the spread of his gospel would involve taking away the strength of my hands.

There have been times when I couldn’t lift a cup of water to my lips to take a drink or open the fridge to feed myself. Most mornings my preschool-aged daughters help me button my shirt. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been able to pick up any one of my three babies. Sometimes I can’t even shake hands.

Fathers are more involved with their children than ever before…but

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Here’s the “but”…

Fatherhood and JusticeBlog Home

How did your father influence your life’s path? My father taught me that I could think for myself and solve problems if I tried. He expected me to achieve.

Fathers matter to their children. In fact, research says that father-child relationships influence children as much as mother-child relationships. Fathers influence their children in different ways than mothers. Babies who interact with their fathers tend to acquire language skills more readily. Children whose fathers spend time with them do better in school, have more self-control, and are more ambitious and willing to embrace risk. Teens who feel close to their fathers start having sex later.

Fathers are more involved with their children than ever before. The roles of mothers and fathers are converging. Most families with children have two incomes and share in the care of their children. And more fathers provide the primary care of their children.

The research says that African-American fathers are more likely to physically care for their children and prepare meals for them than other fathers. Most nonresident fathers maintain contact with their children, and many are involved with their children’s daily activities. Nonresident fathers who have jobs are more likely to be involved with their children. An equal number of moms and dads say that parenting is rewarding and central to their identity.

So what happens when a father is incarcerated? Emerging research finds that when fathers are sent to jail or prison, their children pay the price. And this is particularly true of sons. Sons of incarcerated fathers show more aggressive behavior and attention problems. Children of incarcerated fathers have more contact with the child welfare system.

Modern Slavery - 2016

Call for Submissions: Men and Mental Illness — The Good Men Project

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Mental illness does not discriminate on the basis of gender, but The Good Men Project wants to explore how men specifically are affected by it. Are you a man with an up-close experience of mental illness, or close to one whose story you want to share? If you think men are diagnosed or treated differently […]

via Call for Submissions: Men and Mental Illness — The Good Men Project


#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, PAS is Child Abuse, Petitions, Presidential Election

Great article…you will be glad you read it…I promise!

96 Hours of Stunning Globalist Panic Continues – Tick Tock, Tick Tock…

Excerpt  | The Last Refuge

That jaw-dropping number, 7.2 million more potential votes than Barack Obama carried in 2008 and almost 13 million more than Mitt Romney carried in 2012, is the least result achievable when you turn out THE MONSTER VOTE.

Remember, this same predictive model NAILED the turnout on both the GOP Primary side and the Democrat primary side. – SEE HERE

What the New York Times is statistically beginning to quantify is the existence of The Monster Vote. If you look closely at the data behind their newly discovered 10 million potential/predictable voters, you’ll notice the additional votes carry to exactly what we predicted in February.

Even if Republican projection turnout was off by 5 million votes, Trump still wins in a landslide. Heck, even if the projection turnout was off by a staggering 10 million votes, the republican nominee (Trump) would still gets more votes than President Obama did in 2012 and it is highly doubtful Hillary could turn out that level of support. –link

Men have an identity issue!

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That’s My Dad Movement

One example of this lack of respect for fatherhood may be best illustrated by a recent survey of holiday church attendance. At the bottom of the list with Independence Day was, you guessed it, Father’s Day.

As a matter of fact, MOST people no longer can even tell you when Father’s Day is! Why has this once welcomed day to honor fathers become little more than a footnote to church attendance or the evening news?

Despite the fact many of us have fallen for that misrepresentation, there are many good men who are great dads who have embraced the God-given role of fatherhood and are making an impact in the lives of their children and helping them to build and live successful lives.

Conversely, the one common denominator of many of society’s ills—pornography, human trafficking, abortion, rape, murder, alcoholism, teen suicide, and incarceration—can be traced to absentee fathers.