Winning through Strength

#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, Petitions, Presidential Election

Winning through Strength

National Parents Organization – Newsletter December 28, 2016

All over the country, we are winning battle after battle. Just look at our impressive accomplishments.

By: Ned Holstein, MD, MS, Chair of the Board, National Parents Organization

Please, if you can, make your gift today so we can continue to fight from a position of strength!  You can make your gift online using PayPal or a credit card by going here, or you can send a check made out to National Parents Organization to:

National Parents Organization
716 Beacon Street #590548
Newton Centre, MA 02459

As proud parents, we are not begging for relief, we are not asking to be understood. We are not apologizing for making demands.

Our right to be full-fledged, equal parents of our children are given by God, given by nature, given by our predominantly Judeo-Christian heritage, and given by our Constitution. We will not bow in servitude.

We will not ask for someone to do us a favor. We will not beg that they tolerate us.

These are not “fathers’ rights.” They are also mothers’ rights, children’s rights and universal human rights.

We demand the right to help raise our children because we love them, they love us, and they need us in their lives and in their hearts.

Yet, our movement is opposed by powerful special interests that think they are more important than God, nature, our heritage, our Constitution and our loving bonds with our children.

The special interests are the bar associations, the leadership (not the rank and file) of a few women’s groups, misguided ideologues at both extreme ends of the political spectrum, and some feminist groups who have left equality behind in pursuit of supremacy.

So we need your help to deal from a position of strength. Please give as generously as you can, today, before you do anything else! Just click here, or send a check to the address given above.

Strength is not being bellicose. Strength is not name-calling. Strength is not anger.

Please give as generously as you can, today, before you do anything else!  Just click here, or send a check to the address given above/be;ow.


#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, PAS is Child Abuse, Petitions, Presidential Election

Great article…you will be glad you read it…I promise!

96 Hours of Stunning Globalist Panic Continues – Tick Tock, Tick Tock…

Excerpt  | The Last Refuge

That jaw-dropping number, 7.2 million more potential votes than Barack Obama carried in 2008 and almost 13 million more than Mitt Romney carried in 2012, is the least result achievable when you turn out THE MONSTER VOTE.

Remember, this same predictive model NAILED the turnout on both the GOP Primary side and the Democrat primary side. – SEE HERE

What the New York Times is statistically beginning to quantify is the existence of The Monster Vote. If you look closely at the data behind their newly discovered 10 million potential/predictable voters, you’ll notice the additional votes carry to exactly what we predicted in February.

Even if Republican projection turnout was off by 5 million votes, Trump still wins in a landslide. Heck, even if the projection turnout was off by a staggering 10 million votes, the republican nominee (Trump) would still gets more votes than President Obama did in 2012 and it is highly doubtful Hillary could turn out that level of support. –link

Men have an identity issue!

Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, Petitions, Presidential Election

That’s My Dad Movement

One example of this lack of respect for fatherhood may be best illustrated by a recent survey of holiday church attendance. At the bottom of the list with Independence Day was, you guessed it, Father’s Day.

As a matter of fact, MOST people no longer can even tell you when Father’s Day is! Why has this once welcomed day to honor fathers become little more than a footnote to church attendance or the evening news?

Despite the fact many of us have fallen for that misrepresentation, there are many good men who are great dads who have embraced the God-given role of fatherhood and are making an impact in the lives of their children and helping them to build and live successful lives.

Conversely, the one common denominator of many of society’s ills—pornography, human trafficking, abortion, rape, murder, alcoholism, teen suicide, and incarceration—can be traced to absentee fathers.

What makes a purple heart beat?

#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, PAS is Child Abuse, Petitions, Presidential Election

purple-keyboard-campaign-4family-justice-cover-2015Men’s stories as read by Stacy King 

Patriarchy Tales: What makes a purple heart beat?

Stacy King has been running an unusual experiment: since people frequently refuse to listen or take it seriously when men tell their own tales, what if a woman reads their words for them?

Purple Keyboard Campaign 4Family Justice Cover - 2015

You may want to subscribe to not just Stacy’s YouTube channel, but Terrence Popp’s as well.

Source: Patriarchy Tales: What makes a purple heart beat?


The Purple Keyboard & World4Family Justice Reform : Cyber Protest Campaign in 2016!

Target 2016 to make as many e-mail, phone in and snail mail correspondence with the politicians as possible to see who puts Family Justice and Child Welfare at the top of their political agenda! So e-mail, write and call a radio call in TODAY! (See below)

USA – The-President-of-the-United-States

First Lady Michelle Obama






The feminist themed website is attempting to create what it calls a “database where we capture [people] exercising [their free speech]…

The Role of Domestic Violence in Parental Alienation

#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Family Court Insanity, PAS is Child Abuse, Presidential Election

Parental alienation is the enactment of power and control over a targeted parent through a child or children by an alienating parent. To that extent, it falls within the widely accepted definitions of domestic violence and abuse (i) which are enshrined in legislation and policy around the world. However, in our experience, whilst domestic violence and abuse may be recognized as an element of the relationship between parents in dispute over children matters, the professionals who advise the courts rarely, if ever, approach the case with an understanding that a child’s rejecting position may be the extension of a pattern of domestic abuse that has been present between the parents whilst the family was together.

Parental Alienation is a CRIME STOP THE HATE- 2015