Winning through Strength

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Winning through Strength

National Parents Organization – Newsletter December 28, 2016

All over the country, we are winning battle after battle. Just look at our impressive accomplishments.

By: Ned Holstein, MD, MS, Chair of the Board, National Parents Organization

Please, if you can, make your gift today so we can continue to fight from a position of strength!  You can make your gift online using PayPal or a credit card by going here, or you can send a check made out to National Parents Organization to:

National Parents Organization
716 Beacon Street #590548
Newton Centre, MA 02459

As proud parents, we are not begging for relief, we are not asking to be understood. We are not apologizing for making demands.

Our right to be full-fledged, equal parents of our children are given by God, given by nature, given by our predominantly Judeo-Christian heritage, and given by our Constitution. We will not bow in servitude.

We will not ask for someone to do us a favor. We will not beg that they tolerate us.

These are not “fathers’ rights.” They are also mothers’ rights, children’s rights and universal human rights.

We demand the right to help raise our children because we love them, they love us, and they need us in their lives and in their hearts.

Yet, our movement is opposed by powerful special interests that think they are more important than God, nature, our heritage, our Constitution and our loving bonds with our children.

The special interests are the bar associations, the leadership (not the rank and file) of a few women’s groups, misguided ideologues at both extreme ends of the political spectrum, and some feminist groups who have left equality behind in pursuit of supremacy.

So we need your help to deal from a position of strength. Please give as generously as you can, today, before you do anything else! Just click here, or send a check to the address given above.

Strength is not being bellicose. Strength is not name-calling. Strength is not anger.

Please give as generously as you can, today, before you do anything else!  Just click here, or send a check to the address given above/be;ow.

Child custody law reform is happening all over the country.

#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, PAS is Child Abuse, Petitions, Presidential Election

Latest NY Court Ruling Could Open Doors For Father Custody Battles | The Daily Caller

The New York State Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that a homosexual individual can seek custodial rights for non-biological children in an opinion that goes beyond gay couples.

The decision clears up two separate cases where biological mothers from former same sex couples aimed to keep their children from their ex-partners, the Associated Press reported.

“Where a partner shows by clear and convincing evidence that the parties agreed to conceive a child and to raise the child together, the non-biological, non-adoptive partner has standing to seek visitation and custody under Domestic Relations Law,” reads the opinion written by Judge Sheila Abdus-Salaam.

The previous 25-year old definition of parenthood mandated that a person looking for custody or visitation must have a biological or adoptive connection to the child.

The ruling, the AP notes, will also affect heterosexual, unmarried couples. An ex-partner could petition for visitation or custody of a child produced through artificial insemination if they can prove they and their former partner wanted to raise the child together.

Father’s rights advocates also question if the ruling opens the doors for biological fathers of heterosexual couples in divorce cases, where joint custody is an issue.

“The American Law Institute about a dozen years ago did a family law project and it went around and around about what kind of rights about even what kind of parenting should be given to non-biological people who acted in the position of a parent,” one DC legal expert who specializes in family law told The Daily Caller.

“And they came up with some mushy stuff. But a lot has changed in those dozen years. Obviously, including the Supreme Court case legalizing gay marriage, and once the Supremes did that, it became very difficult for any court to say that there ought to be the old-fashioned or traditional rules that adoption or custody or whatever to a non-biological parent can be prohibited as being against the best interests of the child.”

“The most obvious example of that, you say that two gay people can get married. Why is one of them preferred over the other in the event that they split up and the court has to make the custody decision? So you get lots of decisions that flow from The same-sex marriage decision. The thing that’s been kind of interesting to me is some of the activists, in the growing acceptance of gay parents, are tearing down the bias against biological fathers,” he said. “Take the example, if you have two gay guys. If you are going to give them joint custody why are you not giving joint custody to the heterosexual father who is divorced? So it is kind of an odd thing.”

Mothers tend to get custody of children over fathers 82.5 percent of the time, the census bureau shows.  Pew Charitable Trusts argues that fathers do not actively seek custody of their children as often as mothers, saying that a study in Massachusetts said that dads who actively sought joint custody received it 70 percent of the time, but Cathy Young responds to such conclusions in a 2004 Boston Globe piece that the same study says that this number includes contested and uncontested cases.

Young writes,”The same study showed that mothers who filed for sole custody received it 75 percent of the time (with the rest usually getting joint legal/primary physical custody); the ‘success rate’ for fathers was 44 percent. It also mentioned, when explaining why few noncustodial mothers pay child support, that ‘women who lose custody often do so because of mental, physical, or emotional handicaps.’ Fathers may need to be far more fit to prevail.”

Follow Kerry on Twitter

‘They came up with some mushy stuff’

Source: Latest NY Court Ruling Could Open Doors For Father Custody Battles | The Daily Caller

Men’s Rights and Feminism

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Feminism and Men’s Rights | Savagely Free

The central tenets of feminism are flawed from a political and philosophical standpoint. This statement, while tarring with a very broad, and perhaps aggressive brush, remains true, on my account, however.

As a philosopher, I find the foundational roots of patriarchy theory to be severely lacking and the oppressor-oppressed dialectic to be far too simple a model to apply to such a complex issue, especially in creating essentially a warring chasm between the sexes – psychologically damaging to say the very least!

Oppression is a dynamic and scalable reality that is ever-changing and often reflects tensions that are multi-directional – an evolving construct that can only be seen in shades of grey.

“Your dad has cancer that has spread all over his body…” was the text message that I received.

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Forgiving a Dying Deadbeat Dad

Your dad has cancer that has spread all over his body…” was the text message that I received from my sister Keisha who heard the information from our Uncle Barney who has been more than a father than Bobby could dream of. I texted back, “That’s unfortunate.”

Forgiving a Dying, Deadbeat DadI didn’t talk about it anymore until 4 days later when Keisha sent another message from Uncle Barney letting me know that Bobby wanted to speak with me and shared the phone number to his hospital room in Florida. I contemplated … and then made a decision. I figured as a growing Christian and as a man with morals that I couldn’t let another human being die without honoring a simple request to hear my voice.

Men have an identity issue!

Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, Petitions, Presidential Election

That’s My Dad Movement

One example of this lack of respect for fatherhood may be best illustrated by a recent survey of holiday church attendance. At the bottom of the list with Independence Day was, you guessed it, Father’s Day.

As a matter of fact, MOST people no longer can even tell you when Father’s Day is! Why has this once welcomed day to honor fathers become little more than a footnote to church attendance or the evening news?

Despite the fact many of us have fallen for that misrepresentation, there are many good men who are great dads who have embraced the God-given role of fatherhood and are making an impact in the lives of their children and helping them to build and live successful lives.

Conversely, the one common denominator of many of society’s ills—pornography, human trafficking, abortion, rape, murder, alcoholism, teen suicide, and incarceration—can be traced to absentee fathers.

Restoring Our Government’s Soul

#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, PAS is Child Abuse, Petitions, Presidential Election

The Restoration Of Our Nation’s Soul,
Our Judicial System


“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? “For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36-37).

Just like a person’s most valuable part is his soul, a nation’s most valuable part is its judicial system.  If a nation loses its judicial system, it will not matter if it gains the whole world for it will lose its very own life in the process.

Genuine Equity Under The Law

#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, PAS is Child Abuse, Petitions, Presidential Election

Seeking no more and no less than legal equality and genuine equity under the law“Justice is a part of the human makeup. And if you deprive a person of Justice on a continuous basis, it’s really an attack (and not to get religious or anything) but it’s an attack on the human soul. We have, as societies, evolved ideas of Justice and we have done that because human nature needs Justice and it needs resolution. And if you deprive somebody of that long enough they’re going to have reactions…”

Florida Governor Vetoes Alimony Reform Bill That Could Have Helped Families and Small Businesses

#StandupforZoraya #SayHerName, Blogs Followed, Family Court Insanity, Fathers' Rights, PAS is Child Abuse, Petitions, Presidential Election

FL Governor Vetoes Alimony Reform Bill That Would Have Helped Families and Small Business

what-happened-to-equality-20162Siding with a minority of liberals, Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) yesterday vetoed alimony reform legislation that Florida’s GOP-controlled legislature had passed by a margin of nearly two to one, even though it was supported by 70% of Floridians. Scott’s veto was unfair, anti-family, and anti-small-business. But it thrilled some wealthy divorce lawyers, who hired high-paid “lobbyists with close ties to Scott” to lobby him to kill the bill.

Scott vetoed the bill even though sponsors of the legislation removed the very provision in it that led Scott to veto an earlier version of the bill in 2013 (the fact that it would have applied to pre-existing alimony awards, rather than just those set in the future). The bill would have “eliminated permanent alimony,” replacing it with a more nuanced “formula, based on the length of marriage and the combined incomes of both spouses, for judges to use when setting alimony payments.”

Under existing Florida law, people can be forced to pay alimony even when they are blameless and their adulterous ex-spouse has moved in with a lover. For example, in Baxter v. Baxter (1998), the wife “fell in love with a woman friend and moved with her to a mountain top in Puerto Rico. Although the wife’s friend ha[d] an income of over $100,000 a year,” the wife sought and obtained “$860 per month” in alimony. In Heilman v. Heilman (1992), the state appeals court reversed the denial of an adulterous wife’s request for alimony after she moved in with her lover, rejecting the argument that “the family’s emotional devastation at the news of the extra-marital affair” weighed against alimony. No innocent spouse should be forced to pay permanent alimony in such circumstances.Florida TFRM - 2016

Yet under Florida law, alimony is presumptively permanent, rather than for a shorter period, when the marriage is deemed long-term, such as a 17-year marriage. While alimony can play a useful role in helping a spouse get back on her feet after a divorce, that does not justify routinely or reflexively awarding permanent alimony. That is an archaic vestige of an earlier time when many jobs were closed to women, women were less likely than men to attend college, and the lack of modern appliances meant wives spent far more time doing housework than they do today, leaving them less able to financially support themselves.

To justify his veto this time, Scott disingenuously cited harmless language in the bill containing an initial “premise” that, absent evidence to the contrary, parenting should be shared equally by divorced parents, claiming that could somehow harm children. But this language was not really new: this provision was just a milder version of joint-custody language found in the earlier, 2013 version of the bill, which Scott never objected to on this ground. Such shared parenting laws are hardly unusual — states such as Iowa, Idaho, and Louisiana have a stronger presumption of joint custody. Even the liberal District of Columbia has a statutorily mandated “rebuttable assumption that joint custody is in the best interest of the child.” (See D.C. CODE § 16-91).

Scott’s veto is also bad for small business owners, business formation, and job creation in Florida. As I noted in 2013 in the Tampa Bay Times,

Gov. Rick Scott’s veto of a bipartisan alimony reform bill missed an opportunity to improve the state’s business climate… . Florida courts have discouraged the creation of small businesses through one-sided alimony rulings that ratchet alimony up but not down. They are far more eager to increase people’s alimony obligations when their new business succeeds than to cut their alimony when their new business fails, even though both success and failure affect people’s income and their ability to pay alimony. Since most new businesses fail, this is a potent disincentive to taking the risk of creating a new business. Thus, Scott erred in claiming that ‘current Florida law already provides for the adjustment of alimony under the proper circumstances.’”

Alimony awards are often permeated with gender bias, a reality chronicled by Richard Crouch, a prominent family lawyer, in the Virginia state bar publication Family Law News. (See Crouch, Support Obligations in Mean Times: The Virginia Courts and the Recession, Fall 1992 Issue.) For example, the Virginia Court of Appeals denied alimony to a father even though his ex-wife made five times what he did, and he was the caregiver for the couple’s children, and instead ordered him to pay his ex-wife 40 percent of his meager disability pension, in Asgari v. Asgari [2000]. It is hard to imagine a similarly-situated ex-wife not receiving alimony for at least a few years. For example, in Calvin v. Calvin [1999], the appeals court awarded a wife alimony despite describing her as adulterous, “vindictive and cruel.” As Crouch notes, in Virginia family law, “sex is the difference that makes a difference.” Virginia courts also have shortchanged veterans in divorce

In Florida, gender bias is also common in divorce court. But there, even women have been ordered to pay unfair alimony awards. At Town hall, Rachel Alexander notes that one Florida woman “was ordered to pay lifetime alimony to her ex-husband based on a 14-year-long marriage. Many couples who were only married for 10 years are now in their 20th year of alimony. Some didn’t have any children, or if there are any, they’re often grown.” The bias against breadwinner spouses built into state alimony laws and case law is more pronounced than the informal bias against men that exists in its courts.

As a result, female breadwinners, like male breadwinners, can be saddled with unfair lifetime alimony obligations. That makes lifetime alimony a threat to female professionals and business owners, not just males.

Hans Bader practices law in Washington, D.C. After studying economics and history at the University of Virginia and law at Harvard, he practiced civil-rights, international-trade, and constitutional law.

Source: FL Governor Vetoes Alimony Reform Bill That Would Have Helped Families and Small Business

Femininity and Rape

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5cde8-the2bgame2bof2bchild2bcustodyRAPE !

Rape is an atrocious power-act of sexual assault.

It is also a word that is recklessly bandied about by women’s groups, who exploit it for financial gain and a quest for political supremacy. In fact, references to this inflammatory term seem as ubiquitous as the GEICO ads that blanket our airwaves.

According to gender theorists, our so-called rape culture is a byproduct of a social setting where this heinous act has become pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.[i] They say it is commonplace, an extreme manifestation of pervasive misogyny and sexism, and has caused post-trauma distress and health problems in a great many women. All men are potential rapists

Some radicalized individuals go even further. They maintain that the fashion industry’s use of female models to market their products, Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit issue, pornography, and even some innocent tenets of modern day society promote rape as a guilt-free act.

The loudest and most enthusiastic among them–who scream at men for objectifying women— are angry bullies. Sara Silverman[ii], science blogger Greg Laden,[iii] the angry lesbian Feminist Fatale [iv] and others say that “all men are potential rapists.” Every year, women’s groups exploit college campus […]

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Source: NCFM Member Tim Patten on Toxic Femininity and Rape | National Coalition For Men (NCFM)

So few in the Media will Expose the Judicial Corruption of Judges

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#ABC2020 (ABC 20/20) will expose Judicial Misconduct.21372-stop2bfamily2bcourt2bcorruption2b-2b20162

My Dad Tried to Right a Wrong, Now He’s Behind Bars Unjustly

Victoria FineMy father is 69 years old and is known for his dapper bow ties and for seeing the world in strict terms of right and wrong. And since March, he has been taken a political prisoner of the L.A. County Jail System.

So few in the Media will Expose the Judicial Corruption of Judges

corruption family court judges - 2016

Justice’s Blind Eye: Money Floods Judicial Election Campaigns

In rare public remarks last week, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the money involved in electing judges remains one of the most pr…

My Father’s Case Heads to the U.S. Supreme Court

Victoria FineRichard I. Fine vs L.A. County Sheriff Leroy D. Baca will determine whether it is legal for a U.S. citizen to be held in coercive confinement for such a long period of time — almost 14 months.

– Please Watch ABC 20/20 often and show your support to ABC for STANDING UP and SPEAKING OUT we need more true Investigations into the Corruption of our Government, our Elected Officials and our Judiciary. When sharing your story please add #ABC2020 –DivorceCorp - Judge says Family Court is all about the money - AFLA Blog 2016

Bought Justice

Dylan RatiganOur courts have as of yet been exempt from the same level of scrutiny as Congress and our politicians, but there is a pervasive, ongoing corporate attack on judicial integrity, and what we’re seeing is that a lack of aligned interests, secrecy, and corruption are eroding that system as well.

Judicial Accountability

Source: Exposed Corrupt Judge

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~~ WARNING ~~: Family Court Can Cause Serious Risks To Your Health